The Legend

Let me make it very clear that I am not Ernie Ashbury and please, let me explain why I have this blog.
It would have been in the later part of 2012 on one of my frequent trips to the Souks of Morocco that I was privileged to obtain a copy of Ernie's legendary sales book, 'Selling..Sales Secrets of a Souk Salesman".
This book does exist (contrary to established authorities who have stated otherwise) and I do have in my hands a copy of this work. With this blog, I will share the Sales Secrets of a Souk Salesman

Thursday, April 18, 2013


This phooto was sent to me by I do not know who from.  It just arrived with a note that said
"  The 23rd most interesting man in the world"
Could this be the first public phooto of Mr "E"
It was postmarked from Morocco
I am familiar with this alleyway from my visits to Marrakech , to the Souks of Marrakech so I plans to go to this very spot and see the Souk Salesman that took this; find out when and find out if this is Mr Ashbury.   
Wish me well

Johnny La Rue

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mister "E" in Istanbul, could it be"

I have to post this message from Leon Armbinger.I knew once the word went out on Ernie Ashbury the messages would come flooding in...

I don't want to get too excited at this point. But I was in Istanbul is 2002 at what I guess you could call an outside mall. And I personally experienced the most amazing sales prowess that I had ever encountered. And while I parted with seventy five us dollars for nineteen turkish trinkets the experience alone was worth the cost. It wasn't until some 15 hours later that I realized I didn't need the trinkets, I had no place to put them. And they didn't fit in with the decor of my house. But as if magic as I spoke to the vendor it was as if I was transfixed. Standing behind him was an English looking gentleman whom he referred to as Mr. E. Could it be?