The Legend

Let me make it very clear that I am not Ernie Ashbury and please, let me explain why I have this blog.
It would have been in the later part of 2012 on one of my frequent trips to the Souks of Morocco that I was privileged to obtain a copy of Ernie's legendary sales book, 'Selling..Sales Secrets of a Souk Salesman".
This book does exist (contrary to established authorities who have stated otherwise) and I do have in my hands a copy of this work. With this blog, I will share the Sales Secrets of a Souk Salesman

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mister "E" in Istanbul, could it be"

I have to post this message from Leon Armbinger.I knew once the word went out on Ernie Ashbury the messages would come flooding in...

I don't want to get too excited at this point. But I was in Istanbul is 2002 at what I guess you could call an outside mall. And I personally experienced the most amazing sales prowess that I had ever encountered. And while I parted with seventy five us dollars for nineteen turkish trinkets the experience alone was worth the cost. It wasn't until some 15 hours later that I realized I didn't need the trinkets, I had no place to put them. And they didn't fit in with the decor of my house. But as if magic as I spoke to the vendor it was as if I was transfixed. Standing behind him was an English looking gentleman whom he referred to as Mr. E. Could it be?


  1. Are you absolutely sure, Hamza? It only says he is English looking. I mean it could be anyone.

  2. the legend has it that there can be only one
    It was Ernie Ashbury, I have no doubts on this


  3. I hope you're right, Hamza. And you are so lucky.

  4. The descriptions sound very familiar. And I knew someone who definitely fit this profile. He was in his 40s when I saw him in Marrakech. At that time he was slightly balding. With a goatee. The only thing that makes me wonder however is he had a lisp. But his accent was more irish than english. Oh never mind I remember now they called him Arnie not Ernie last name unknown.

  5. Mr Ernee no irish accent and balding. No sir, not Mr E. I saw sketch of legendary Mr E there is no balding my friend tell me accent mixed of british american no one knows how his accent like that.

  6. Only phooto of Ernie I have. It is from backside and I may be able to show it to you if I can. There is the most interesting man in the world and then there is Mr Ernie. He would be somewheres near the most interesting man in the world I am sure. Maybe 25 or the 26 most interesting man in the world. At least in the top 1 or 3 or 4 hundreds. No baldness, no Irish Accent and the top most salesman in the world. I know, I have seen him and I have his phooto from the backside.


  7. English is not my first language and so I couldn't make out his accent. It had a nomadic flair to it. It was definitely very worldly and he had a large vocabulary. He used the word "constitute" a lot and often asked about the percentage of religious people in the area.
