The Legend

Let me make it very clear that I am not Ernie Ashbury and please, let me explain why I have this blog.
It would have been in the later part of 2012 on one of my frequent trips to the Souks of Morocco that I was privileged to obtain a copy of Ernie's legendary sales book, 'Selling..Sales Secrets of a Souk Salesman".
This book does exist (contrary to established authorities who have stated otherwise) and I do have in my hands a copy of this work. With this blog, I will share the Sales Secrets of a Souk Salesman

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A CLUE !!!

It is well known that you can't drink the water in the Sahara as it has to be purified first, at least this is what I have heard.  Imagine if you can my surprise  when I looked closely at the label of the bottled water I had been drinking. ....

Johnny LaRue


  1. Hmmm I wonder if that label is a fake. Those folks might have given you fake water. I think they might have overprinted the original label. Be very careful what you drink.

  2. Sophie, you have pointed out an obvious fact about the label which I did not notice. I wonder if Ashbury wants me to find him with this clue to just let me know I am so close. I am interviewing many guides for the desert and there is this one guide who is somewhat
    mysterious. He wears a red vest over his jellaba all the time but he seems to be one with the sand. I think I will use him.

    Johnny LaRue

  3. He is one with the sand..
